Sunday, May 1, 2016

Farm in Literature Fieldtrip

                I recently wrote a paper on the benefits of family small-scale farms. I wrote about how corporate farms use harsh chemicals and synthetic pesticides, GMO’s, and inhumane treatment of animals. I concluded that paper by saying how I want to support small scale farms and healthy practices, and that is exactly what I did for my fieldtrip. I wanted to find stores that supported those same beliefs, and I found one right here in Logan. It is called Natural Grocers. I had never been before, and so before I checked it out in person, I did some research online.

                Natural Grocers has a lot to offer. They have meats, dairy, fruit and veggies, grains, spices (one of my favorite isles- they have every spice and herb you could ever want or need!) and even body care: shampoo, face wash, make up, lotions, etc. That doesn’t sound too amazing though- that’s what every other grocery store carries. What makes Natural Grocers special though is the standard to each they hold each of their products. Absolutely everything in their store is organic; they don’t sell GMO products; they don’t sell anything with artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors; all of the meat they sell comes from humanely raised animals such as free range, no cloning, no confinement dairies, and no added growth hormones or antibiotics. They have other standards as well, but it would take too long to list them all.

                My boyfriend and I went to the store together, and as soon as I walked in I was impressed. Customers are greeted at the front door by the sight and smell of fresh produce. Fruits and vegetables line the wall, and they do look mighty tasty. I wanted to look at everything (to the displeasure of my boyfriend.) I can’t write about everything, because that would be a very long and boring essay, so I’ll just point out my favorites. They have a whole isle just for dried herbs and spices, and it is glorious. If you love to cook, go to Natural Grocers, because you can find whatever you need there to make a savory meal. I also noticed that they refrigerate flour and seeds. I had never seen that before, and I asked why. An employee told me it is because raw ingredients like flour will spoil without preservatives. They have prepared meals, all of which looked amazing and healthy. They have local products, which I thought was really cool. Overall, it was a really cool store.

                I’m really glad that I found Natural Grocers. They have great quality products that I can feel good about, because I know that they are healthy and come from environmentally stable farms. They are a bit more expensive than other retail grocery stores, but I feel better about their products because I know where it came from, and I know that buying from there I am supporting good causes.